Jul 29, 2021
Stefan took a trip to Italy this summer and visited Rome. The brewing scene in Italy is strong and growing stronger. While their IPA game might still need some work, They are making great pilsners, barleywines and sour beers. We start with Rebel's Brewery in Rome released Abbronzatissima, a lemon milkshake IPA. After...
Jul 22, 2021
Even though it's the heat of summer, we don't shy away from dark heavy beers. Wander Beyond has released a silky 15% ABV beer. Vulpes is an easy drinking chocolatey imperial stout that is just what you want right now. Puhaste is no stranger to big bold stouts either. Brewed with Ethiopia Beloya coffee, this rye whiskey...
Jul 15, 2021
Stockholm Brewing Co has been releasing some really good sour beers lately. But this ain't that. This is their version of an Italian pilsner called Italopils Extra. What's the "extra"? Why love of course and hops and alcohol. Great for a warm summer day. Omnipollo went from being a gypsy brewer to opening their...
Jul 8, 2021
We're trying a couple of Swedish beers this week. Wapnö Gårdsbryggeri is the only farm based brewery in Sweden. The brewery is a walking cattle farm for milking. The leftover malts are used to feed the cows that product the milk that is sold in the store. Alna X is a triple IPA at 10% ABV. Intergalactic...
Jul 1, 2021
Molecule Brewing is a collective between three brewers: Elm Eleven, NerdBrewing and Chad Brewing. They moved out of their old brewing space and have created their own brewing lab. We tried two of the first releases off the line. Elm Eleven has been producing some great fruit sours and Still on Mars is a fun...